Friday, November 9, 2012

Mama's Top Five Friday

I may or may not have had too much fun making this.  I definitely spent too long picking out the pictures.

Here goes...

1.) We had a pizza party with our neighbors.  We definitely had fun with the pizza man mustaches and we may or may not have eaten too much pizza!

2.) Homeschool - We did a pumpkin observation.  We found out cool our little teeny tiny pumpkin had 149 seeds in it!

3.) I took this picture of my two youngest babies because the last time I saw these pajamas the bigger one was the size of the smaller one and the biggest one was the size of the bigger one...oh nevermind.  The point makes my heart a little sad.  Why do they have to grow up?

4.) We transformed our pumpkins with paint!  Never done it before.  Will definitely do it again.

5.) Pictures on the beach with the best neighbors ever.  For once I wasn't the crazy picture mom.  Just the crazy picture lady.  I can live with that.

Hope everyone had a great week!  Enjoy the weekend!

---The Mama

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun! I always told myself I'd never dress my kids matchy, but with two girls a year apart... matching jammies are my FAVORITE. Too cute to resist :)


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