Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Allye Update - 10 months!

I apologize for interrupting the regularly scheduled program A.K.A. The Daddy Diary...BUT Daddy got his update in person tonight...on Skype!

So, I thought I would give the Allye update instead.  What a whirlwind of a month!  This sweet girl has had her world turned upside down!

As we said goodbye to Texas we made a last visit to our favorite spray park.  BUT, it was Allye's first visit!

We taught her to wave bye-bye and she did this for the longest time!  Here she was saying bye-bye to the waterpark...or herself.  Who knows?

Just a few days later we loaded up our home in Texas.  Then we got this...

 Then we loaded up these two...

Then Man (yes, alone) drove them from Texas to Florida in the middle of the night.

Yes, they slept.  I didn't but they did, and that is all.that.matters.

The greatest thing about our new home is that we live in the cul-de-sac.  Allye loves spending time outside, especially riding in her little pink car.

She also likes to drag her feet and hands on the pavement while it is moving.  Sometimes I worry about her.

Before we sent Man back to Texas we all went to the beach. is only 30 minutes away!  WOOHOO!

Allye was full of herself that day.

You can see those top two teeth barely poking out.  
(Oh yes, we have cried some tears over those.  Both of us.)  

She practiced her clapping.  We have worked hard on this.  We even have a clapping song now..."Clap, clap, clap your hands..."  cute little beat to it...really.

Then she posed...getting ready for her big moment.

Oh yes...I told you how she took her first unassisted steps at 9 months and two days.  Well, we have quickly progressed to cruising and then pulling up and now she can stand from sitting and take off...sort of like this...

I have to say, our sweet Allye has adapted well to Florida and I am looking forward to many new memories with her.  It never gets old seeing your baby learn to wave, clap, crawl, walk, etc.  It really is like the first time every time.  The best part is seeing the joy and excitement in Olivia and Addison when they see her do something new.  

We all love you, Allye, so very much and we are cheering you on.  We are so thankful God chose us for you.  

 Happy 10 months!

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