Tuesday, March 20, 2012


So the newest fad in our house, apparently, is to talk about brains.  I did not get the memo on this or I could have checked out a book on brains at the library, since I now have experience shopping searching online with their website.

But, I don't think any book could have prepared me for what happened to me yesterday morning.  Olivia and I were standing at her mirror with Allye poised in her Bumbo seat staring at herself in the mirror.  She really just pretends to be doing that and then she swipes the curling iron cord and puts it in her mouth.  Then Olivia screams.  Then I calmly tell her, "No, no little one." Then she promptly does it again.  Clearly we have been doing this for several days now as I know the story so, well, clearly.  

I guess Olivia had had enough.  Allye pulls her trick and we do our parts and then Olivia says to me,  "Mom, if babies have brains, why don't they know anything?"  I laughed.  I really laughed.  I laughed so hard Olivia thought she must have lost her own brain.  Cause she says, "What did I say?"  "Do they not have brains?"  I laughed.  I laughed really hard, and then again 5 minutes later, and 5 minutes after that and am still laughing.  

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