Thursday, May 17, 2012

7 Months Already?

 It is so cliche to say "time has flown by" but it is so appropriate when you watch your kids grow.  I couldn't really say that I felt like anything was ever flying with Olivia because I was so anxious to see the next stage that I think I almost wished away part of her growing up instead of just enjoying it.  I have since learned to appreciate each stage and to fully enjoy my girls as they grow.  But, somehow it seems that Allye is simply going warp speed.  At the six month mark she was sitting well and starting to get the basics of the crawl.  Well, little did I know what I was in for during the last month.  Someone unleashed her, and when I find out who I will tie them,no, I will make them come and run after her for a day, or two, or three...while I sit and eat bon-bons on the I am delirious...from all the chasing I am sure.

  A really cool thing happened before all the madness of crawling, and that was our trip to the Bahamas.  We rode in a limo from the airport to the hotel and all I could think about was the last time we were in a limo, not even a year ago, we had just found out we were having a girl.  (That was part of the finding out!)  It was very nostalgic so I whipped out my camera...

This was her "I just want a nap" look when I called her name.

 Then I had her full attention.  She is quite infatuated with the camera.  I am not sure if this will be good or bad yet.  Considering she used to scream when I put it in front of my face I would say we have made progress.

While on vacation she had her first experience in the pool.  We had already had a swimsuit fashion show at the house.  She loved it.  So what could adding water into the mix really do?

I am thinking this is the "not quite sure about this" look.

I am quite sure this is the "lovin' it" look or Daddy told a great joke.

The fact that it came with her own teether was pure joy for her!

Now we are on to the matter of crawling.  I tried my best not to promote this.  Man, not so much.  It becomes very clear at times who does this all day long and who does not.  No  mother that chases a baby all day gets in the floor and gives a step-by-step demonstration of "how to crawl" nor do we hold a class and have the six year old teach the crawl.  Nope, we do everything in our power to not let out the secret about crawling.  Well, at least if you have had a child and wished that away only to realize you can't take it back.  Yep.  Man did it.  All of the above.  And do you see what happened?

Crawls everywhere.  Found her way right to the magazines and was "checking out" Parenting and Pottery Barn.  And by checking out I mean ripping them to shreds.  That is her innocent look.  Who me?  Yes you.  

And then it happened.  I was in the bathroom and sat her down at my feet to get the baths going.  I turned to get some things from the counter to turn back to this.

Pulled herself right up.  My head is screaming inside.  I am definitely trying to make a deal with God.  I want to slow this down.  He does miracles.  This is not a ridiculous request...right?  But she was so proud.  She smiled and smiled while Addison clapped.

Just as I was thinking that it was a one time thing.  None of my other babies stood this early.  But what do I really remember.  Maybe they did?  Note to self...go check the baby books.  I caught her again.  This time she was standing at her piano in my room.  I wasn't fast enough.  As soon as she saw the camera she stopped, dropped, and crawled...

Now that was warp speed.  So then I think this could be a game.

She seems up for a game.

Soooooo, I ran into my room ('cause crawling is warp speed remember) and this is what I got when I turned around...

Then she grabbed the camera and sent me crashing to the floor.  Yep, that is progress...I think.

So then I decided that there might not be enough forgiveness in my heart if she breaks my camera.  I go to put it away to walk back and find her in the sacred closet.

Eating the foot pedal to my sewing machine.  It is all real here people.

And then she sees me.

And, well, since my other two girls always seem to run from the camera....
I am definitely thinking this is a good sign...

We love you Allye!  
You are a blessing to our family.

1 comment:

  1. Go Allye! I know you weren't ready for this Lindsey but how exciting for you guys. What an exhausting yet exciting world you are entering (again!). I am with you...not pushing for the next step and now they are walking and climbing everywhere and my house has been stripped of anything that could possible resemble something fun for them! Can't wait to see you guys next month!


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