Tuesday, February 28, 2012

We're Still Alive!

Whew!  Now that I have caught my breath from this whirlwind I live in I first must apologize to our family who probably wonders if we are "ok".  Yes!  We are.  It's just that all of you people out there, who shall remain nameless, that told us that adding one more to the mix was nothing....   L.I.E.D!  Shame on you.  This is rough.tough.stuff.  We are getting in a groove now and think we might just survive.  Maybe.  Anyway, I know what you are really here for so here goes...

We celebrated with lots of LOVE on Valentine's Day.  Actually, I was somewhat in the spirit and had the cutest outfits, which I can take Z.E.R.O credit for.  You see, the beauty of a best friend that has all boys...she wants to buy girl stuff...and I have 3 of them.  She warned me that she had bought tutus for the big girls she just didn't warn me that I wouldn't be able to buckle them in their carseats.  Hold on...you need a visual.


Thank you "Aunt Syd"!  Everyone loved them!  I even had the Valentine's made ONE while week early!  That is a miracle I tell you.  It was so much fun!  We had to make close to 35 of them and I actually was able to breath, not be controlling, and no one was harmed in the making of the cutest Valentine's coming out of our house yet....

Isn't it darling?  A little matchbox (yes, emptied) and (yes, I saved the matches) it was filled with a piece of chocolate and silly bands (Olivia's friends) or stickers (Addison's friends).  The girls loved this!  I was the cool mom...for like five seconds.  Olivia was totally impressed.  Now, that folks, is an accomplishment these days.

So, on the big day Addison wakes up and tells me we are going to decorate the table for a special dinner.  Dinner?  Yes, I had that planned.  BUT, decorating?  Not in the plan.  She was not excepting "No" on this day so...we were decorating.  At 9:00am.  It was fun and she was sooooo o.c.c.u.p.i.e.d.  Then she insisted that we use the breakable tea set (A.K.A my wedding china).  Um.  I have no problem with this, but my dishwasher Man might not be so excited.  So, we used the breakable tea set.  AND, we decorated the table.

Did I mention we have a third child?  Yes.  She really lives with us.  She was with us all day long.  Hanging out.  Dressed in her Valentine best.

Then...we.made.pie! Wonderful, glorious, chocolate, DIET (please refer here if you wonder why it is diet), pie.

Once we got that mess FUN cleaned up we decided it was time for more!  That's right...baby food time!  

We started with the standard cereal, which is NEVER a hit.  

and Allye was like, "What just happened to my mouth?"

"But, oh wait, that made my tummy feel pretty good."

"Maybe I should eat some more?"

"Or, maybe not."

So, many believe that the further down the line you are in the family the less you "get".  Not this time.  Olivia decided we needed the Baby Bullet when I was a mere 3 20 weeks pregnant.  I actually liked the idea and soooooo----Allye is getting 100% REAL food!  That is right...her food is from scratch (please don't be anal, no I didn't make the cereal).  Allye and I bond over the Baby Bullet.  

She supervises...

While I slice, chop, steam, and peel...

her avocados?  Oh yes, this baby is going gourmet people.

And it is the most beautiful sight in my fridge...

It sings to me when I open the door.  Not really, but my heart hears it.  Sort of.

This food is making her rowdy.  She put on Olivia's glasses the other day and did this to me.

She thinks she's grown.

Then I laid her down to help the big girls get their jammies on and she got under the table.  

Yes, it.is.over.  She can roll, squirm, scooch, and shimmy all over a room.  

She was so proud of herself!  Well, until she couldn't quite swing that back half in the right direction to escape the table.   
SIDE NOTE:  If you give your kids to Grandma North under the guise of a lunch date...you just might be the new home to a talking, singing, transforming Barbie airplane that is so big it can't be "organized" into a hidden place.  And when you have "that look" on your face when she walks in with it, she will tell you "They had to have it."  And that will be the end of that conversation.

So there you have it...we are here.we are busy.we are ALIVE!  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We Saw It Coming

My step-dad has this saying, well, lots of sayings, but we will focus on this one today..."Genes don't lie."  So, it was no surprise to Man and me that what I am about to show you happened just a few short days ago.  You see, we are blind.  Like, when I don't have glasses or contacts, I can't read the "E" on the chart.  Yes, I am talking about the one on the top.  The BIG one.  It is a blur.  Man, well, he has worn glasses since f.o.r.e.v.e.r!  Yes, yes...the time came...I had to take the oldest two babes for eye checks and as I sat there watching her take the "test" I knew she was failing...And this is precisely why I had put this visit off (and the way my wallet cringed when I thought about buying glasses).  I knew it.  I knew she was going to need glasses and the little ugly girl in me knew how awful I felt wearing those things and being called names and playing sports...oh that was a.w.f.u.l!  I did not want that for her.  But, GENES don't LIE!  And at that is why, folks, we came home with these...

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Allye Update

WOW!  What a month it has been!  Since Allye turned 3 months old on January 8th I have had pictures and stories galore.  But, she took front row in our home very quickly when she came down with RSV.  Thank you to everyone who called, emailed, sent letters, visited us, and prayed for our family.  Without further ado, her is the Allye Update!

I did, in fact, believe or not, get a 3 month shot of Allye.  These take work people.  I thought it was a good time to document her on her tummy, so we got this "shot".
Don't you just want to kiss those little round cheeks?  Oh how time flies!

Then Nate had to go away for a week to San Antonio.  I wasn't sure I could survive...well, I knew I could survive but I mean without prescription meds ;)  SO, we called in back-up!  Grandma North to the rescue!  What a fantastic time.  We laughed non-stop and it was so good to have extra hands and she cooked!  Yes, people.  I sat on the couch, played with my kids, and did not have to cook! That has to be the greatest part of mothers coming to town!

Daddy arrived home safely and then the bottom fell out.  All of the girls got sick.  Addison had the worst cold in history, Olivia got pneumonia, and then our sweet Allye was hospitalized with RSV. For those who don't know, we took Allye to the doctor because she was lethargic and not eating.  They found her to have an elevated heart rate and sent her from the doctor's office to the ER by ambulance.  
  Once we got there she was under observation for quite some time.  Once they saw that she was having trouble keeping her oxygen above 90 she was admitted.

My mom flew out the next day and what a relief.  There is nothing like having your mom with you when everything seems to be falling apart.  The girls were super excited and that made everything going on around them much smoother.  I stayed with Allye at night and when Nate came to sit with her for me to go home and shower I was giving him the run down of everything going on and told him that I just wanted to see her smile again.  He walks over to her, gives her his best duck call and this is what I saw...

I am not sure how worried I should be that she responds to "calls" already.

After three long nights we got to come home and her big sisters were so excited.  This is where we found them.

One kid knowing how to read is the.best.thing.ever.  Well, except for on the nights we are still learning to read...you know, much bigger words, and I don't bring my patience with me.  Like I left it in the car at 2 in the afternoon.  It can get u.g.l.y.  Then I have to give myself a timeout.  Anyway...

The greatest thing happened just two days after she was home. 








And she was like, "what just happened?"  There was sheer pandemonium....and excitement...and celebration...  Yep, just two days after being in the hospital, not yet 4  months old...that is how we raise 'em...nothing is going to get you down...for long anyway!

So now we have to trap her in toys or there is constant rolling and then crying and then Mommy turns her over then more rolling then crying and then Daddy turning her over and then rolling, well, you get the point!

We survived month 4! 
Officially weighing in at 13 lbs 3 ounces and measuring 24.5" long  at the 4 month marker....

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