Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I love her.

I love her...

even when she wants to go outside and play in a cream dress and cowgirl boots. 

I love her...

so I went with it.  

I love her...

  so I threw a flower in her hair and took my camera too.  

I love her...

forever and a day.

----The Mama

Monday, February 17, 2014

Another Outdoor Adventure

As I play blog catch-up, please note that I am dating them back as this is a diary for my daughters to look back upon.  Enjoy our February adventure in the outdoors.  :)

Falling Waters State Park

We caught a break in the coldest winter ever...for Florida... so we decided to take a drive to the next stop on Man's outdoor adventure list.  Sitting just off of I-10 about one hour from our home is Florida's tallest waterfall, at 73 feet.  

Even though I have traveled this route a few more times than Man, I had never noticed any signs pointing me in this direction.  Perhaps it has something to do with the final destination I am seeking on each of my trips.  Ummm....shopping in Tallahassee, Disney, Cruising.  You get the point.  Man vs. Woman.  He wins on this one.  It was gorgeous.

When we stepped onto the paved path, leading into the forest, we were met with the enticing sound of the water falling.  As we strolled along, the girls were able to stop and look at the different plants, trees, and sinkholes that abound in this part of nature.

Allye insisted that we stop and look at every "river" along the way.  She was thoroughly amused and I was terrified she might try to jump in.  Thankfully, she decided dry was best.  When the paved paths ran out, there were beautiful wood paths and stairways that took over and opened up to a two acre lake with white sandy beaches.  It was so heart-warming to see that many of these paths were the final project for an Eagle Scout or Boy Scout troops.

A quaint little bridge to the right of this lake captured our attention and drew us to a path that meandered beyond what our wishful eyes could see.  Although dreamers and adventure seekers we are, we are also Realists.  Approaching the lunching hour with no picnic basket in sight and countless steps taken already, we knew it was time to begin our journey back.

We ate under the cover of sky high pine trees on picnic tables with a cool breeze blowing.  This majestic park offered a great playground area for the kids as well.  So, of course, we spent lots of time there seeing who could swing the highest and slide the fastest.  We paused to hear birds singing and tree branches swaying. We pierced the silent air with shrieks of laughter playing chase and had moments of silence as we drank in the awesomeness of God's creation.

We couldn't leave without a mandatory family shot.

Let's just keep it real...we have way more of this kind...and I kind of love it.

Until we meet again...


The Outdoor Mama
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