Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Allye's 8th Month!

Our sweet girl, Allye, is on the move...maybe that is why I don't sit down...e.v.e.r.

She started month eight practicing pulling up....

She attended her first dance recital!  She asked for some tap shoes afterwards...sort of...

We figured the teeth were on their way when she decided to chew on anything and everything...

She will still sleep almost anywhere....

Apparently "picnicking" in the park is not her thing...

She made her first trip to the beach...

I think she liked it...

After I played peek-a-boo for 1,000 hours, she decided to take over...

for a 1,000 more...and we had to clap and cheer...every time.

She kept asking to do things the big kids were doing so we told her that when she grows into this chair she can do whatever she wants.

Atlantic Allye sailed the high seas for a morning...with the big kids.  Our own little pirate princess!

Tired of just standing she decided to practice some walking.

 Popi teaches all the girls to walk.

 So now it was Allye's turn and she loved it.  Not the grass so much though.

 Big Sister Olivia wanted a turn...

 This just made Allye think she was a big kid again...

So proud of herself!

And then we had our eighth month photo shoot...

Showing off her first tooth!

Our sweet Allye, we love you!  We are so excited to see everything you are learning each day and watching all of your accomplishments.  This was a big month with your first dance recital, your first assisted steps, your first tooth, and your first trip to the beach!  We are so thankful you are ours and we love seeing you grow.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Catching A Cowboy


a girl's 


 to do... 


a girl's

go to do... 

 to catch



The End.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Where Did the Time Go?

Now that I have had some time to reflect on the whirlwind of this past school year, the same thought keeps crossing my mind, "Where did the time go?"  "How is it already over?"  

If you have small children then you are in the position I was in for almost six years.  Dread, worry, anxiety, etc...over the day I would drop off my baby to kindergarten.  If you have a child that has been to kindergarten then you know it is the day they have counted down to, waited patiently for, anticipated, etc...for all of their short lives.  

I must admit to being a perfectionist with high standards.  So, when so many parents kept telling me I should request certain teachers I was so tempted.  That would be comfortable right?  That was a sure bet to a successful year?  Less anxiety...maybe?  But, I am also a woman of faith and believe that God is going to put us in the place we are supposed to be no matter how hard I try otherwise at times.  Know what I mean?  So, I decided to let the cards fall where they may...for once.  :)

So, when we dropped her off in August my sweet Olivia was full of wonder, anticipation and excitement.  

I was full of A.N.X.I.E.T.Y

As the days rolled on I saw that we had been blessed.  Prayers had been answered and we were given a wonderful teacher.  She was full of patience, creativity, gentleness, kindness, compassion and energy!  Olivia fell in love with her and so did I.  She gave her whole self to Olivia and our family and embraced us all.  I will be forever grateful that she was placed in our lives at such an important time.  

So, it was with a heavy heart I took Olivia to school on the last day.  This time I was dropping off a girl full of knowledge, confidence, and self-assurance.

 I didn't want it to be over.  It was too good.  I didn't want to face the changes that were coming our way. 

But, for us, change is inevitable.  The nature of the beast really.  I am slowly learning to adapt, but this time it is very hard.  And it does not make it any easier that I have a first grader now.  

I am so thankful we are on this journey together Olivia!  I am so proud to be your mother!  I love you!

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